Symposium on Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Humanitarian Action

European Convention Center

Happening now

About the event

New technologies have transformed humanitarian action and can facilitate humanitarian work. But the digital transformation also generates novel risks – risks that need to be addressed in collaboration with new partners.

This symposium brings together experts from the public, private and humanitarian sectors, as well as academia and civil society, to reflect on and offer solutions to key legal, strategic and operational issues that humanitarian organizations face as a consequence of the digital transformation.

The symposium has six working groups grouped into three discussion tracks. Each working group has guiding questions for its group of experts to examine.


Discussion tracks and working groups

Track 1: Common standards and principles for humanitarian data

  • Working group 1: Data protection-related standards for humanitarian organizations and partners
  • Working group 2: Data transfers and data flows to humanitarian organizations


Track 2: Towards building a safe and trusted digital humanitarian space

  • Working group 3: Risks of hacking and surveillance: preserving neutrality, impartiality, and independence of humanitarian action in a digital world
  • Working group 4: Neutrality, impartiality, and independence of humanitarian action in a digital environment - Lessons learnt from Digital Sovereignty


Track 3: Operationalization of data protection and cybersecurity in humanitarian action

  • Working group 5: Data protection by design for humanitarian tech
  • Working group 6: Training and capacity-building for humanitarians


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Developed in collaboration with:

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Event Flyer and Programme

PDF file
165.2 KB

Chatham House Rule - Dos and Don'ts

PDF file
54.71 KB


Date and time
Venue address

European Convention Center

1 rue du Fort Thüngen
Luxembourg, L-1499